small claims mediation services

11th December 2018

Small Claims Mediation Service

Speak to Oliver Gardner today to negotiate your small claims case


small claims mediation

In an attempt to reduce the number of people accessing the Courts, and therefore in an attempt to save money, the Government have made it increasingly difficult for people to pursue what they deem “small claims” through the Courts. It used to be the case that, if you instructed a lawyer to pursue a claim for you and if you then won that claim, the losing party would have to pay your legal fees.

For “small claims” this is no longer the case and in fact a small claim can be anything up to £10,000 for non-personal injury claims. Therefore, people are either avoiding going to Court and writing off their potential claim, or the Court is finding that it is having to deal increasingly with unrepresented parties. Neither scenario is ideal.

We are particularly concerned that so many people are choosing not to pursue a small claim because of the lack of availability of legal advice or the fact that if you seek legal advice and win, you will not get your legal fees back. We are also concerned that parties who are representing themselves before the Court will come under unnecessary stress and anxiety, will make mistakes and will sometimes fail to reach an agreement because of their inability to approach their own case with objectivity.

Whether you have already brought Court proceedings or not we strongly recommend that if you are in a commercial dispute with another party, that you suggest to them that they agree to a process of mediation with a view to reaching an agreement.

Our mediators are often legally trained and have a background in legal work. They are therefore quite uniquely placed to objectively assess the case for both parties and facilitate agreement between the two sides.

Oliver and his team of mediators can advise and represent you in respect of the following small claims:

  • No Win No Fee Claims
  • Accident at Work Compensation
  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Holiday Accident Claims
  • Cycling Accident Claims
  • Injury in Public
 • Sports Injuries
  • Faulty Products
  • Bus and Train Accident Claims

There is no obligation to instruct us after an initial mediation consultation

property disputespersonal injuryfamily mediation
small claims mediationworkplace mediation