workplace mediation...

11th December 2018

Workplace Mediation

How can workplace mediation help you?


workplace mediationWorkplace Mediation is often a very complicated and delicate area of mediation. A lot of the time the injured party is still working for the employer against whom the claim for the injury is being made. Consequently, the injured party is nervous party is nervous about upsetting his/her employer, potentially losing his/her job or returning to work but in uncomfortable circumstances. Similarly, the employer, against whom the claim is being brought, may resent the employee for bringing the claim which the employer thinks is going to harm the business financially.

Left to it, the parties will often engage in lengthy court proceedings, both parties will suffer considerable financial outlay fighting their case and the stress and anxiety of such cases cannot be overstated nor quantified.

Experienced mediators, particularly those with a legal background, can assist both parties in seeing the other’s case and facilitate the parties in coming to an agreement at the earliest possible opportunity thus avoiding a lengthy and costly legal wrangle.

Our Workplace Mediators also report that, more often than not, the parties will remain on good terms after an agreement, around a table, has been reached.

Oliver and his team can advise and represent you in respect of the following areas of Workplace Mediation:

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Workplace Mediation
  • Employment Disputes
  • Business Disputes
  • GP Practice disputes
  • Personal Injury
  • Small Claims
  • Interpersonal conflict.
  • Bullying.
  • Harassment.
  • Discrimination.

There is no obligation to instruct us after an initial mediation consult.

  • Fixed fees
  • Structured payments
  • Payment at the end of your case

property disputespersonal injuryfamily mediation
small claims mediationworkplace mediation