How can mediation help you?

7th December 2018

Mediation services

We offer mediation services and advice and representation in all areas of family law, property disputes, small claims and more – see below.

family mediation

Family Law

Family mediation can cover a huge range of issues from warring siblings to separated parents trying to agree on finances and/or contact arrangements for children.

property disputes

Property Disputes

Mediation can facilitate agreements between people at odds over all types of property matters. Property disputes can range from unpaid rent to boundary disputes and anti-social behaviour.

workplace disputes and mediation


This is often a very complicated and delicate area of mediation. A lot of the time, the injured party is still working for the employer against whom the claim is being made. 


small claims mediation

Small Claims

In an attempt to reduce the number of people accessing the Courts, the Government have made it increasingly difficult for people to pursue what they deem “small claims” through the Courts.

divorce mediation


Separating couples have historically gone straight to see a solicitor. This is often expensive and rarely do the solicitors work as hard to try to effect agreement between the parties.

personal injury

Personal Injury

Over the recent years, the insurance industry has successfully lobbied the Government to change laws to make it more and more difficult for injured parties to claim compensation for injuries suffered. 


Oliver Gardener - Mediator

Oliver Gardner – Lead Mediator

Oliver is a qualified solicitor, trained to level 3 in Counselling and Psychotherapy (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) and an experienced mediator.

He still handles a small legal case load alongside his mediation work and work as a trustee and mentor for the charity Pure Insight which exists to support young care Leavers.

Oliver’s unique training and experience perfectly places him as an effective mediator, being able to actively listen, objectively asses the facts for both sides and facilitate communication and agreement between the parties.