about us and our mediators

27th March 2018

About Mediate Now

mediationWe are trained mediators with a background in law and have covered many different areas of law between us. Some of our mediators are also trained counsellors and psychotherapists.

The law has developed a great deal in recent years and recourse through the courts is now not a realistic option for many.

The costs associated with instructing a solicitor, the huge court fees which have to be paid upfront and the time it can take for a case to conclude are all factors that put so many people off. Often people go without recourse.

Even the legal system recognises these problems and tries to refer court users to mediation services first.

Oliver Gardener - Mediator

Oliver Gardner – Lead Mediator

Oliver is a qualified solicitor, trained to level 3 in Counselling and Psychotherapy (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) and an experienced mediator.

He still handles a small legal case load alongside his mediation work and work as a trustee and mentor for the charity Pure Insight which exists to support young care Leavers.

Oliver’s unique training and experience perfectly places him as an effective mediator, being able to actively listen, objectively asses the facts for both sides and facilitate communication and agreement between the parties.


Mediation is a far more affordable and effective method of resolving almost any dispute. It works best when all parties are keen to conclude the dispute with an amicable solution but even where parties are not so sure, we have found that the mediation process brings closure to even the most complex disputes.

It is not always legal disputes where mediation can help. Often families, friends and neighbours can have disagreements capable of escalating into lengthy, emotional and stressful fall-outs. Our trained mediators can help bridge the gaps, settle the dispute to the satisfaction of all parties and restore relations.

Our legal background allows us to understand the issues in the context of the law, objectively asses the facts presented by all sides, put the dispute into context and facilitate a resolution that is not only fair, but realistic and likely to be somewhat similar to one the court would eventually find.


trained mediators

Our training as mediators, coupled with training in counselling and psychotherapy means that we are often uniquely placed to facilitate agreement between the parties through our inherent ability to actively listen and support effective communication between the parties.

Please see the remainder of the website to better understand how we can support you with mediation in the many different areas it might apply.